Keeping Methodist churches open

01 September 2019

Methodist churches often create a more welcoming environment by keeping their doors open and having a constant presence can even improve security.

At Methodist Insurance, we therefore encourage churches to keep their doors open during daylight hours. The more visitors you have on site, the better your chances of identifying and discouraging any suspicious activity.

Keeping open churches secure

While there are benefits to keeping your Methodist church building open, it is still important to take some sensible precautions. We recommend:

  • Ensuring any neighbours and local residents know that the church is open so they can observe and report any suspicious activity
  • Encouraging other local people to pop in while passing by
  • Creating a secure storage area where valuable items can be stored and protected
  • Locking the church at night time. 

Insurance for open Methodist churches

Opening your church will have no impact on the church insurance premiums if a church is open during daylight hours and sensible precautions identified are followed. 

To learn more, please speak with our customer services team on 0345 60 61 331.
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