Withdrawal of BT Redcare Alarm Signalling products – an insurer view

14 March 2024

BT Redcare has recently announced they will stop selling new alarm signalling products from the end of February 2024 and all their existing product services will end on 1st August 2025 or earlier where contractual services are due to expire before then.

Consequently, anyone with monitored electronic systems, such as automatic fire and security systems that use a BT Redcare signalling product will need to replace this by 1st August 2025. 
BT Redcare has provided an extensive range of alarm signalling products over the past 30 years, including Redcare Classic, Classic Fire, GSM, Secure range (IP, Fire, Solo, Secure 2, Secure 3), Essential, Essential IP, Essential Extra, Advanced, Advanced Extra, and Ultimate. 
It’s estimated there are approximately 120,000 live systems using a BT Redcare product at this moment in time that will now need changing. 75% of these are thought to be older systems using analogue technology that is being replaced by the new digital fibre network. These older systems won’t work on the new fibre network and need replacing by the end of 2025 in any event. Your alarm company may already have been in contact with you to discuss replacing your existing Redcare products with something that will work on the fibre network.

What should you do next?

If you are affected by the BT Redcare announcement you should approach your alarm company at the earliest opportunity to discuss options available for switching to alternative alarm signalling products.
You should have a specification for your alarm system that details the type of alarm signalling being used but your alarm company will be able to advise you.
You should also consult with your insurer if the provision of monitored alarm protection is a condition of your insurance cover. Insurers may have minimum performance requirements for your alarm signalling, so it’s essential that any replacement meets these. Replacement alarm signalling products should match or exceed the performance level of your existing signalling.
Your alarm company, insurance broker and insurers will be able to provide further guidance.
Whilst 1st August 2025 feels a long way off, we encourage you to act now. Don’t delay and risk losing your monitored alarm systems, leaving your property exposed. 
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