How to manage slips and trips

07 September 2022

Slips and trips are a common causes of accidents in Methodist churches. Many may only cause minor injuries, but others can be severe and in some cases even disabling.

Managing slips and trips at your church is therefore an important part of your duty of care for staff, volunteers and visitors. Slip and trip hazards should be reviewed in the church or halls as well as outdoors including any car parks and pathways on the church grounds.

Common causes

Slips can occur in wet or contaminated conditions linked to bad weather or spillages. Trips can be caused by worn or uneven paths, steps, floor coverings (e.g. defective carpets) or cables trailing across the floor. 

5 steps to help you manage slips and trips

  • Read our slips and trips guidance which is designed to help you reduce the chance of slips and trips occurring at your church.
  • Implement adequate precautions, providing information and training for any employees and volunteers on what they need to do. 
  • Make periodic checks to ensure your precautions remain adequate. 
  • Document your arrangements and responsibilities for preventing slips and trips, perhaps as part of your health and safety policy.
  • Keep records of what you have done. If a claim is made against the church, records may support your defence.
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